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Fighting Snow and Ice Can Be Tough

Looking for a road deicer that cuts through ice and snow pack? A deicer you can apply before, during and after a storm?

Do you want a clear and wet road? We've got you (and your road) covered with Ice Breaker™!

Ice Breaker™ gives you traction because of its varied granule size and hardness of the product. We use a combination of fine and coarse granules. The fine salt dissolves quickly creating an instant reaction while the larger granules provide extended traction.
The natural, dark color serves as a marker so you know where you've applied it and so does the driving public. The color also attracts the sun to accelerate melting.
All-natural, fast acting power from Mother Nature to you!


NaCl 92% - 95%
CaCl 0.8% - 1.9%
MgCl 0.32% - 0.9%
KCl 0.09% - 0.2%




Ice Breaker™ provides superior traction due to a combination of fine and course granules. In addition, as an all-natural mineral rock, more traction is provided than traditional salt products because of various mineral densities and hardness!

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The natural, dark color of ​Ice Breaker™ makes it easy to see during and after application which helps the driver and the public. The dark color also helps attract sunlight to accelerate melting!


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Ice Breaker™ is an all-natural granular deicer and comes directly from the earth at our mine in Salina, Utah. It contains an incredible effective naturally occurring mineral combination that's easy on the environment and TOUGH on ice!

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